Our American Dream Show

"By Walt Cameron"

Immigrant Family Achieves American Dream

Walt Cameron  |   No Comments   |  Filed under: Success Stories

Another Email received from Don in Kansas City, MO on another take on the contribution of immigrants to our country writes….

”As you were talking on the show recently about immigrants coming over to the America on the boat to find a better quality of life for their family…

I was reminded of my family coming over on the boat back in 1850 from Ireland during the famous potato famine which lasted from 1845 to 1852.  It also led to the death of 1 million people thru starvation and disease and caused a million more to emigrate to foreign shores.

The deaths and emigrations  reduced the population of Ireland by 25%.

My own ancestors emigrated to America just to be able to survive.  They dreamed of a job, a roof over their head, and food to eat.  They also wanted a safe place to raise their children.  Times were tough for the Irish in America as they were at the bottom of the ethnic chain in the 1850’s.

However, thru hard work, perseverance, and the advantage of equal opportunity, unlike the caste system in Ireland which was essentially those that have it and those that don’t, my family was able to prosper with each generation.  Today, our family is spread out all over the U.S.

All of us are successful and have achieved our ancestors vision of the American Dream.  As you were saying on the show that with each generation becoming more successful than the previous generation by taking advantage of the opportunities America provided the early immigrants and, of course, citizens today.”

Thanks, Don, for your inspiring story of your family and their multi generation pursuit of their American Dream.

You see folks, anyone reading this right now has the God given ability and the opportunity to take action and transform yourself into a successful person.  All it takes is hard work, a single minded focus and belief in your Dream and it can happen to you  as it happened to Don and his family

As my College English Professor used to say, “Success is a journey, not a Destination” and I would propose that the American Dream supports this statement.

There is absolutely no limit to what anyone can accomplish in America.  Becoming successful is certainly part of that ultimate dream.

The right to be free to choose your own path and to be guaranteed equal opportunity to pursue it has helped forge this great country of ours into the melting pot that it is today.

And that “inalienable right” still brings immigrants to America today who believe in the American Dream in the same way as Don’s family did 160 years ago.

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