Our American Dream Show

"By Walt Cameron"

Success Tip: It’s Ok To Make A Mistake!

Walt Cameron  |   Comments Off on Success Tip: It’s Ok To Make A Mistake!   |  Filed under: Success Tips, Videos


Our “Weekly Success Tip” is designed to help all of you who are in the process of achieving your American Dream.  We want to help you stay focused on your dream and it’s successful completion.

Our lesson today comes  from one of my favorite authors Napolean Hill who,  at the beginning of the 20th century, interviewed the most successful people in our country at the time, men like Dale Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford.  He put all these interviews in a book titled “Think and Grow Rich” which has become one of the best selling books on success ever written.

Mr.Hill said that “Success requires no explanation”.  However, “Failures must be doctored with alibis”.

The surest way to gain approval in any company is to be successful.  Unfortunately, in the real world, it doesn’t always work out like that.

Because, no matter how much time you spend studying something, no matter how many  good decisions you make, no matter how prepared you are, you will inevitably make mistakes.

Because that is what we all do sooner or later in the process of achieving our success.

I have never interviewed anyone on “Our American Dream Show” who had achieved their dream who had not made any mistakes.  And, it will never happen!

You must recognize and then accept  this bad news.  You will make mistakes!  However, the good news is that you are always able to take a step back, take a look, and analyze what happened.  Then, you will be sure that you never make that mistake again.  You learn from it, you file it in your memory, and then you move forward!

All the successful people I’ve ever interviewed agree that no obstacle, no hurdle, and no challenge is ever a reason to give up your dream.

Always remember what Winston Churchill said, “Success is never permanent and failure is not  fatal .it is the courage to continue that counts!”

What Mr. Hill and Sir Winston are telling us that, as long as we learn something from our mistake or our failure and, in the process, we vow never to repeat  it and we don’t give up, then we are able to keep working toward achieving our American Dream, one small step at a time!

For more success tips, be sure to keep visiting www.ouramericandreamshow.com.

Remember, we are committed to helping you achieve your dream!



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