Our American Dream Show

"By Walt Cameron"

The Day We Must Never Forget

Walt Cameron  |   No Comments   |  Filed under: Articles

We must always remember September 11, 2001.  I hope we can all we reflect on this 10th anniversary of a horrific terrorist act and agree that America is still the greatest country in the world even with all the flaws and issues we are currently facing.

Let us not forget that we are still one nation under God.  And that we must remain a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

The best way we can honor and memorialize those that perished and suffered on that fateful day ten years ago is to keep our connection to our heritage and legacy alive.

I give talks on the “American Dream” by reminding my audiences of that connection.  We must never forget the 56 men who committed an act of treason against King George by placing their name on that most famous document the “Declaration of Independence”.  They, along with the other colonists, fought for freedom and liberty and,  in the process, changed the course of history.

I am completing a book called, “Yes, the American Dream is Alive and Well”.  My book  shares stories of success of Americans young and old from the 18th Century to current day who have achieved their “American Dream” with all the hurdles and challenges along the way.  The commonalities they all shared was an unwavering faith in their country and their God and a determination that would never allow them to give up their dream!

This 235 year legacy has allowed us to survive countless wars and, yes, even acts of terrorism against our beloved country.

Someone once said that “The greatest resource on the planet is American ingenuity and Americans have 100% of it. “

This is why I believe that America is not going to roll over and die as many are predicting.  In fact, I believe that we Americans have our best days ahead of us not behind us. It is not because of what our government provides, but what our citizens produce in the form of goods, services, and jobs.

No matter how hard the government tries to legislate and restrict our freedom and ingenuity, the American people and our free enterprise system and capitalistic society we have built over the last 235 years will always find a way to  succeed and prosper.

Because that’s what we have done and will continue to do.  We have a legacy to uphold, a legacy of all the Americans who have gone before us and sacrificed everything so that their children and their descendants would enjoy a better life.

We must continue to pass that legacy along to our children and our grandchildren. So in the end, I am and will remain an eternally optimistic American Patriot!!!

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